Rollie Winter & Associates, Ltd. and American Management Group, Inc. strive to meet the goals of both modest and substantial real estate investors by providing a full circle of services, including proper planning, cost-effective development and/or acquisitions, market sensitive management and operation, and eventual disposition.

celebrating 55 years

Commercial Investment Realtors

3305C North Ballard Road Appleton, WI 920-739-0101

School Specialty

W6316 Design Drive
Greenville, Wisconsin

331,615 Sq. Ft.

Ballard Square

3301, 3305, & 3315 North Ballard
Appleton, Wisconsin

3301: 10,800 / 3305: 7,100 / 3315: 7,500 Sq. Ft.

Metro Market Madison

6010 Cottage Grove Road
Madison, Wisconsin 53718

58,020 Sq. Ft.

Memorial Square

420 East Northland Avenue
Appleton, Wisconsin

22,100 Sq. Ft.